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Here at Steinegger’s mansion we have a sincere passion for excursions, in all of its shades. In favor of this sport we claim our geographical position: we’re a starting point for bunches of excursions on many difficult levels. 


800 m from us is a driving range and putting green, so you can book golfcourses.

Mountain bike / E-BIKE ranting

Steinegger borders to woods on an altitude around 600 meters: you can find the start and the end of many paths there. The ideal challenge for cyclists you get maps of the many cycle paths. Cycles can be parked on our GARAGE. We also have the space for pullings and bike hooks. In St. Michael you’ll find a so well furnished bike shop:

Experts will be glad to answer to all of your question.



In June of 2010 our alleys has been completed. Under the tennis field it is possible to find a polifunctional field ideal to play soccer, volleyball, badminton or dodgeball. Its measures are 8,5 meters x 18 meters, for everyone’s joy. Rackets and flywheels, and also soccer balls and volleyballs are of course given from us to our guests. 


Our tennis field in synthetic grass is, like every other sport structure and free time activity, included in the price you chose. Balls and rackets can be rented to our structure. In 5 km you’ll find the Rungg/Raiffeisen’s Tennis Club where is possible to book for tennis courses. 


In our gym you’ll find: two cyclettes, a Crosstrainer, a Zen Dong Master, two huge mirrors, yoga carpets. Let yourself wrap into silence while meditate in a 60 square meters place, with panoramic terrace and massive pine’s wood furniture! 

For the details caring we thank Our trusted carpenter, the best in Frangarto (Appiano), mister Kager Fritz. 

For the Worldwide Soccer Competition, or British’s Royal Wedding, our gym becomes a conference room with video projection on cloth. 


Our Tirolean Bowling Alley requires a bit of labor, but it’s only to guarantee a valid hobby alternative to rainy days. 


We own two bowls fields, one with sand (traditional) and one in synthetic grass (used by children as a soccer camp). Bowls are, following Italian’s tradition, made with stone. Our bowls alley has a view on Oltradige’s valley. 


Our trampoline is the most loved attraction by our lttle guests since 2008. We of course require them to respect the rules, as for guarantee a safety use of it. 


In Caldaro’s Lake are kept a bunch of Windsurf’s courses, for young and old sailors. (info)


In Castel d’Appiano, about 5 km from us, exists a new rock gym for young and adults. 

Get a rope!

Maso Coflari

A horseride on the open air, immerged on mountain’s paths: this is the schedule our riding school proposes to you. About 19 km, in Ruffré, on the Path of the Mendola, and a trot away from Steinegger. Info

Horse riding school at Monticcolo

A few kilometers from the Steinegger. Info


To fight summer’s heat, an adrenaline waterfall on the freezing water of Altoatesine’s rivers. 

Canyoning is the sport for the ones who think that they’d already tried everything. (info)

Hallelujah on a Kayak

For the ones who prefer a calming activity, we suggest a trip on a kayak throughough Val di Non’s bottlenecks.