An holiday on the daily farming: from father/mother to son/daughter the knowledge of the cultivation is passed on (since the Maso in inherited from 1679) At nowadays the variety of the homemade production includes wines, juices, fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs.
In our field we love to experience every year with different kind of vegetables:
the light, red wine (Trollinger, cultivated in dry condition), Sauvignon and Gewurtzaminer (in small amounts), tomatoes, potatoes, peaches, plums, Reineclaude, prunes, apricots, cherries, persimmons, apples: Ledrer, Samering, Granny Smith, Grafensteiner (the best apple in the world), and also different types of pears, ribes, blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries, quinces and zucchini.
The orchard’s kitchen uses fresh herbs and spices, collecting from chives to thyme.
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Book list (PDF)
House map (PDF)
Price list apartments
Price list farm shop